Company-wide ISO certification demonstrates, on an independently assessed basis, that BT Group meets international standards in quality assurance. This provides BT Group with a highly externally visible quality marque, the Corporate ISO9001 Certificate, underpinned by specific Business Unit registrations, issued by leading UK registration body(s). This complements and supports the BT Group brand and image.

ISO 9001
Our quality management system is certified to ISO9001, and all elements of the BT Group quality management system are subject to both internal quality assessments, and a rolling programme of external registration assessments by LRQA - our ISO9001 certification body.
Corporate ISO 9001 certificate
18/07/2024 pdf - 130 KB
BT Group Quality Policy
18/04/2024 - New pdf - 88 KB
ISO 14001
Our Environmental policy guides our environmental work and commits us to setting improvement targets and closely monitoring our environmental performance.
Corporate ISO 14001 certificate
03/04/2023 - New pdf - 855 KB
ISO/IEC 20000
Is a quality management standard specifically aimed at IT Service Management, providing a common reference standard or best practice for businesses offering IT services. Additional information on the standard is available from the ITSMF ISO 20000 website.
Corporate ISO/IEC 20000 certificate
18/07/2024 pdf - 167 KB
ISO 50001
Energy consumption, together with its associated carbon emissions, is BT Group’s most significant environmental impact. We address this key issue through our Energy Management System.
Corporate ISO 50001 certificate
09/03/2023 - New pdf - 858 KB