BT has partnered with the National Poet of Wales Ifor ap Glyn to create 'Sgyrsiau' (Conversations), a poem to celebrate the importance of 'conversations' and connectivity.
Conversations (Poet’s translation to English)
Hiraeth is easily repaired
by dialling someone, who's shared
a moment of joy; who's cared...
And phoning friends from the past
recalls old tunes, like a blast,
healing our present at last.
How sweet thus to hear a smile,
the friendly voices that beguile,
sparkling down each cabled mile...
National Poet of Wales, Ifor ap Glyn
Mewn partneriaeth â BT, mae Bardd Cenedlaethol Cymru Ifor ap Glyn wedi creu 'Sgyrsiau', cerdd i ddathlu pwysigrwydd sgyrsiau a chysylltedd.
Rhwydd iawn deialu rhyddhâd
o'n hiraeth, drwy gyd-siarad,
rhannu hwyl, rhannu eiliad...
A ffonio ein gorffennol
a ddaw â'r hen alaw 'nôl
i swyno ein presennol...
Onid gwych yw clywed gwên
y lles clws sydd mewn llais clên,
fel gwefr yng ngofal gwifren?
Bardd Cenedlaethol Cymru, Ifor ap Glyn