
How do I close or delete an email account?

If you're the account holder, you can create up to 11 email addresses for your personal use or to give to another person. A gifted email address will remain linked to your billing account but becomes the sole responsibility of the person you've given it to.

If you use our Standard email product, you can delink or delete an email address you no longer want at any time.

What's the difference between delinking and deleting?

Delinking is when:

  • The email address has been given to another person
  • The account holder no longer wants the email address linked to their billing account
  • Delinking will be the only option for an email address that's been gifted to another person

Deleting is when:

  • The user of the email address deletes it
  • The billing account holder hasn't gifted the email address to another person and deletes it
  • The broadband or Premium email service has been ceased
  • The email address has been deleted following a period of inactivity (BT usage policy)
  • The account holder will only see the option to delete if the email address is linked to their BT ID

If you change your mind later, don't worry. Deleted email addresses can be recovered, but only by the BT account holder and only within 60 days of the email address being deleted. It's a straightforward process and once your email address is recovered, all of your personal data will still be there.

If you've given an email address to another person and they've linked it to their BT ID, it will still show on your account and count as one of your 11 available email addresses.

If you no longer want the email address to be linked to your account, you can delink it:

  1. Log into with your BT ID
  2. If you've got broadband with BT, select Manage Extras, then scroll down and select Manage BT Email
  3. Premium email customers will need to select the Premium Mail link and then Manage BT Email
  4. Next select the email address or addresses you want to delink and confirm
  5. We'll then send an email notification to the user of the email address so they can take action to keep their email access

The delinked email address will remain active for 60 days, during which the user of it will have the option to keep it by:


After 60 days, the email address and the contents of the mailbox will be permanently deleted and can't be recovered.


If you want to delete an email address you've created or one you've been given by another person:

  1. Log into with your BT ID
  2. If you've got broadband with BT, select Manage Extras, then scroll down and select Manage BT Email
  3. Premium email customers will need to select the Premium Mail link and then Manage BT Email
  4. Next select the email address or addresses you want to delete and confirm. You may be asked to provide the password
  5. Once you've deleted the email address, we'll send you an email confirmation. We'll also send one to the user of the email address so they can take action to keep their email access

The deleted email address will remain active for 60 days, during which the BT ID account holder can reactivate it.

If the email address has been deleted by the billing account holder, the user of the deleted email address will still have the option to keep it by:


After 60 days, the email address and the contents of the mailbox will be permanently deleted and can't be recovered.


If you use our Premium email product, you can still delink or delete an email address you no longer want at any time.

However, with Premium email, if you only have one email address linked to your account, you'll need to get in touch so we can delete the email address for you and close your billing account. Otherwise you'll continue to be charged.


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