
BT Email products


If your email ends, or it's a BT email.

BT Email is secure, easy to use and comes in three types - Standard (included with older BT Broadband packages), Premium and Basic. 


Types of BT Email



Standard email was only available to customers who took BT Broadband and registered for the email service before 26th October 2022.

With Standard you get

  • Protection from viruses, spam and phishing
  • UK-based tech support
  • Ability to create up to 11 email addresses 


You can still get it if:

  • Someone else with BT Broadband sets up an email for you

To set up a new Standard email go to My BT > Manage your email. 

How do I create a new email address?

Premium email is a lot like Standard email but costs £7.50 a month.

You'll need to pay the monthly fee by direct debit.


With Premium you get

  • Protection from viruses, spam and phishing
  • UK-based tech support
  • Up to 11 email addresses


It's a great choice if:

  • You cancel BT Broadband but want to keep your email with all the same features
  • You've been given an email address that's linked to someone else's broadband, and want a separate account
  • You have Basic email and want to upgrade


To get Premium email you need to live in the UK and have a UK bank account. 

If you have Premium and you're moving abroad please contact us.


To order Premium

  1. Log in to My BT
  2. Click on Your Products > Email > Manage


What you see next depends on why you're switching:

If broadband has been cancelled you'll see Move to Premium email. Click this and place your order.

If your email was set up by someone else with BT Email you'll see Move to Premium email. Click this and place your order.

If you're on Basic email you'll see Upgrade your email service. Click here, choose Buy Premium email and place your order.


You'll get an email within 24 hours to confirm your order. While we're switching your account to Premium you'll be able to use your email as normal.


Need a hand? 

If you don't have a BT ID or you don't see an option to move to Premium, you may not be able to get it.

For help or to cancel your Premium email call 0808 100 6778, Monday to Friday 9am to 9pm, Saturday and Sunday 9am to 6pm.

Basic email is free.

You don't need BT broadband to have it. It has some of the same features as Standard or Premium email. 


With Basic email you get: 

  • Just one BT email address. You won’t be able to create new ones, but any you already have will still work
  • Access via only.  You can't use this email with an email client or on your device
  • Protection from viruses, spam and phishing
  • UK-based tech support


It's a great choice if:

  • You're leaving BT Broadband and want to keep your email, but don't mind losing some features
  • You've been given your email by someone with BT Broadband, and they leave BT
  • You've been given your email by someone with BT Broadband, and they de-link your email
  • You've got Premium email and don't want to pay any more



If you're leaving BT Broadband and want to get Basic email, you need to order it when cancelling your broadband. You can't make a direct switch later.

When your broadband service stops, we'll change your email service to Basic. That means you'll have fewer features, including only being able to check emails using your web browser, not through email software or our app. You'll need to log in regularly to keep your account active.

If you'd like to keep all the features you have today, you can sign up to our Premium email service. Log into My BT for details and to sign up for the service.

If you do decide later that you want Basic email, you'll need to get Premium email and then downgrade.

If you've been given your email by someone with BT Broadband, and they leave or de-link your email,  we'll switch you to Basic. You can upgrade to Premium, or link your email to another BT Broadband account and keep Standard email.

Don't have any of these?

If you've had your email with us for many years, you may be using an old type of email.

To keep it safe and working well, please consider switching to Standard, Premium or Basic email.

Or if you get broadband from us, just link your email to your BT account.


Can't get into your email? 

Get help logging in to your email


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