
How do I close BT Cloud on my PC or Mac?

If you need to close the BT Cloud client on your computer, just complete the following steps:

For PC

  • Click on the BT Cloud icon located in the system tray in the bottom right corner of the desktop

    On Windows XP and Vista, this may be immediately visible as shown here:


    Closing BT Cloud on a PC


    On Windows 7 and 8, you may need to expand the view to see the BT Cloud icon as shown here:


    Closing BT Cloud on a PC


  • A small launcher will appear in the bottom centre of the screen


    Closing BT Cloud on a PC


  • Right click on the BT Cloud icon and select quit


    Closing BT Cloud on a PC


For Mac

On a Mac, you can get to the Quit function in two ways:

  • From the menu bar at the top of screen. Click on the BT Cloud icon to open the drop-down menu


    Closing BT Cloud on a Mac


  • From the BT Cloud icon in the Dock at the bottom of the screen. Right click on the icon or press the ctrl key while clicking to open the menu


    Closing BT Cloud on a Mac


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